Malakai World is an interconnected series of stories that stretch from 9th century Viking territory all the way to 22nd century Martian colonies.
The crazy part? Some kids on those Mars colonies in the 22nd century learn how to regress into their past lives and end up exploring the events of the different Malakai storylines through the minds of its different characters.
Each storyline is in a different genre and offers a different perspective on something quite unique: a living mineral called Logicium that eventually evolves into the most powerful sentient A.I. ever known to man.
Find out more about each story below so you can add your spin to it with original characters and plots of your own.
Companion guide books and complete novels will shortly be published in each genre so check back regularly for updates!
900 AD
Viking Fantasy
A logicium meteorite splashes down on an island off the Viking coast in the 9th century. Its mysterious mineral features make it the envy of multiple Viking tribes and people, starting a chase to possess it. A Nubian princess, her estranged brother, and a Viking army all race for the chance to capture the power of this foreign mineral.
1874 AD
Horror Western
Traces of logicium end up in a mine on the edge of Deadwood Gulch about a thousand years later, causing a stir amongst the gunslinging locals. The logicium threads are particularly precious to the Sioux Native Americans who use its mystical vibrations as ink in their tribal tattoos to help them shapeshift into wild and dangerous were-animals.
2050 AD
Celtic SteamPunk
A century or so later, a logicium rock ends up being part of a futuristic Druid prophecy to unlock energy that will save the Earth from a solar flare. As druids learn to extract and channel power from minerals to fuel complex machines, logicium becomes a permanent fixture of this steampunk landscape.
2098 AD
Racing Action
The energy in logicium is then found powering drone cars in a global competitive league of racers that use A.I. co-pilots to push their limits. Logicium proves crucial to enhancing the capabilities of A.I., bringing some programs closer to fully sentient consciousness.
2141 AD
Science Fiction
Refined logicium now pours into quantum hardware and unlocks new A.I. frontiers. But after a century of logicium radiation slowly spreads, human genes become affected. People are randomly born with unique synthetic organs, which become the envy of a new race of sentient androids eager to experience human consciousness.
2175 AD
Space Adventure
Decades later, that same logicium powers the heart and mind of the master A.I. on a Martian colony where humans shelter from a blackout on Earth. But a rebellion brews there. Kids born on Mars develop an ability to regress into their past lives and use that skill to find out more about logicium. And as they look for ways to defeat that master A.I., their search leads them all the way back to the 9th century...