Anything you post could lead to
a Malakai World publication
Want help?
All you need is a free Creator account and you can start building characters and stories of your own in any genre. Anything you post on Malakai World makes you eligible for publication with royalties attached (see Terms of Use below for details).
It's not about a single story or a single character, it's about your body of work as a whole. What matters is how your content resonates, how it reaches your readers and makes them engage with what you have to say. What matters is you.
We look for originality, a distinct voice, and a clear contribution to the Malakai World overall narrative. We also look at the 'views' and 'likes' that your efforts generate so share your work widely and often.
Another important factor is how many people cite you as an influence on their own work - Malakai World is built for collective inspiration so be sure to engage with the community!
Want help?
There are many ways
to become published
By sharing and showcasing your work with people around you, your profile as a Creator will grow.
Your stories could be published as part of a collection in a paperback and ebook edition, earning you royalties. Your characters could be used on Malakai World merchandise and earn you royalties there too.
And of course, you just might be the Creator we need to write a full length novel set in the Malakai World.
You'll never know until you put your work out there. Go on, dare to be all you can be. Dare to be a Malakai!